Steel Member
blake you look like your goonin it hahahaha
ur the sketchiest goon everrrr
chancellor im gunna laugh if you go to SD5 and one of these SD kids trys to fight you and josh nunez stfu just because were from menifee doesnt mean "we talk shit" get your facts straight, seriously
and no hate to the SD kids you guys seem pretty chill
That kid just likes to talk shit to everybody, he is from menifee
who the fuck are you to judge?? he actually is one of the cleanest riders i ride with..i havent seen one picture from your chancellor ass so dont talk..
damn straight we chill haha jk jk. but sorry i never hit u up to shred saturday, dylan ended up coming to rancho penasquitos wit sum gay kids raymond warner, kodye gregory and his lil brother haha then we rode street.
u going to SD5? im guessing
One picture from today.
Toboccan and thats a steep bank.
no commentchancellor im gunna laugh if you go to SD5 and one of these SD kids trys to fight you and josh nunez stfu just because were from menifee doesnt mean "we talk shit" get your facts straight, seriously
and no hate to the SD kids you guys seem pretty chill
no commentdude josh go do dub barspins i dont even tlk shit i wAs tlking about the nosetap
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