Riding Pictures


Steel Member
Lolwut. Work on them tables, gotta get your bars flat and the deck less under you and more out to your heelside and flat. Turndown looks good though!!!!


Steel Member
That turndown is sick


Steel Member
It's not about being clicked, bow-leg is a completely different style of turndown. Look at KC's sig. I do agree though, Victor's definitely looks like a lookback.

Kieran Mayhew

Well your legs sure as hell aint straight, look like lookbacks to me.
Lookbacks have straight legs aswell, unless you do them bowlegged, which would mean your front leg is bent. Like Rob's.

I don't understand why everytime someone posts a Turndown/Lookback, we have pages and pages of debate as to whether it is a turndown or a lookback, and whether it is bowlegged or not. It really isn't complicated haha.
Lookbacks have straight legs aswell, unless you do them bowlegged, which would mean your front leg is bent. Like Rob's.

I don't understand why everytime someone posts a Turndown/Lookback, we have pages and pages of debate as to whether it is a turndown or a lookback, and whether it is bowlegged or not. It really isn't complicated haha.

lol i love your sig hahahaha looked at it for 15 min lololololol the pop tart cat it looks like idk