Riding Pictures


Steel Member
Here's two of the better overcrooks I did today.

FS Overcrook

BS Overcrook

i think this deserves a bump

Travis House

Wu-Tang Master
Staff member
No foot cans are the shit! I wanna learn them cause I saw someone do a BS Smith no foot can out in one of Conor Davidson's old day videos and it looked sick! Gimme tips pleaseee

Do all or some of these:

1) Beef up your whip, throw some chromoly in the mix. Keeps your deck stable so you can kick them feet out

2) Wider bars help but I only am running 18's so as long as you're not running retarded 14s you should be ok

3)As you can see I kinda tlit my scooter to get my feet out more, it's just a style thing really

4)I jump and bring my feet vertical first then kickout

5)Keep thinking of them and try em wherever you can