Riding Pictures

I think he was actually going that fast

ahha i wasnt, i didnt edit it. it was some random guy that was taking pics of us so i gave him my email.

He also to this beast of a photo ;)
Isn't the white District James Blott's setup? I forget whose it was, but it's definitely someone on SR.
Nope, no one on SR, its the kid in the gray's. I had posted it for him ages ago though

that kid looks like he's in 5th grade.
idk how old 5th grade is, but he's 12. the rest of us are 13 14 15 16 17 (im 16 and wearing the Magray shirt)

Har Har Har, when was that?

In norwich, uk. He just came u behind us and took the scoots from the bars :mad: