Riding Pictures


Super Moderator
Staff member

I believe this counts as a riding photo?




Steel Member
That would be sick... Did you have to search alot to find that rail that you can do that on? Or can you do that on any rail like that.
And you should come to Nor Cal sometime, it's pretty sick

issac p

Silver Member
if you have a mac you can open the pics in preview then click some out until the pic is a good size then screenshot it(command-shift-4)


Super Moderator
Staff member
That would be sick... Did you have to search alot to find that rail that you can do that on? Or can you do that on any rail like that.
And you should come down to Cali sometime, it's pretty sick

Yeah dude I was actually filming stefan doing another trick at that spot on a different rail and just kept waxing the wall until it slid. I found another rail I can do it on though I want to soon.