Riding Pictures


Steel Member
[moved] Riding Pictures

Picture of a lipslide on the most sketch rail ever. It was so fucked up. Wierd approach angle, shitty runway, and it moved side to side like a foot each way. Footy will be in the new OVER SHOW video, along with all my other stuff! Best get it when it comes out. Props to morgan foster for the photo


I'M A G.
[moved] Riding Pictures

Lewis do u see the ramp..? obv its flat and also he said its flat lol.

Greg nice pics and u dubwhipped that gap.. thats pretty nuts from flat.


[moved] Riding Pictures

Bowlegged lookback :(

Black Flag shirt/everything else :)

Edit: Sick Eric, when's the TOS movie coming out?

Hep Greg

[moved] Riding Pictures

i hate straight legged lookbacks on scooter. on a bike they look really nice, but i think bowlegged looks better on scooter.

Jordan Jasa

Silver Member
[moved] Riding Pictures

Hep Greg said:
i hate straight legged lookbacks on scooter. on a bike they look really nice, but i think bowlegged looks better on scooter.
yeah, if you ever seen Josh Toy's 360 bowlegged lookbacks, you'll see why.


[moved] Riding Pictures

I know a lot of you have seen this picture on Myspace, but I decided to post it here just because it's cool and stuff.


Check the perfect blue sky, Arizona is like that 3/4 of the time, if not more haha.