i quit like 5 years ago haha went to wow then got bored shitless when cataclysm came out only had 2 80 that got givin to me hahah. waste of money i rekon
I occasionally play it when its raining and it gets to the point where I'm gonna go to jail for playing so much Minecraft. Anyhow my account is: 54rustedlog
so true i forgot about that...but if they bring back no trade limits like they said..then no more grand exchange and no more rediculously priced things
sombeody give me like 20mil for nork forks? pm haha and add my rs account it is named "weydaweed at" its my rnge pure my main witch is hella good got hacked. so i decided to make pure.. imma be dclaws rusher so yeah ill giv someone nork forks for like 20-25m unless u have claws ill giv norks and 5 buck also pm on sr or text me 425 508 2486