Sam Pilgrim rides French ID!


Bronze member's just a matter of days of riding till he gets into scooters...I switched from MTB to scooters (tho...I could only 360, barspin and X-up on a MTB)...
It's weird getting from a heavy thing on a scooter...
I bet the wide bars will fit him...seriously... this is a grat thing that happened...I couldn't imagen better news...

Josh N.

Josh N
hes good. and i bet he has progressed a lot since that vid. but based off that vid i dont think hes sponsor worthy. im guessing he has progressed since then tho....

Jake Carlyon

Steel Member
i bet you once he adapts from the change over of mtb to scooters, cleans up his style, this guy will be an absolute beast. i can see him getting very good very fast


Steel Member
hes good, no doubt about it but judging from that vid he isnt sponsor material in my opinion
the only thing i liked was the flip superman, that was f*cking sick, but everything else was just meh


Mitch Baldry
hes deffinately not going to move from mtb to scootering.. he is way more experience at it and he has been in the qashqai urban challenge the most paying mtb competition he will do both but wont quit mtb
yeh Graham is way better than this guy. I was laughing because in the video he is riding a terry pro model and his style on scooter is disgusting but that flip superman was nice.
Harrison Hope^ said:
Sam Carter said:
seriously wtf y wud french id sign him ? there are so many better riders this makes me sad!
He's a famous. It's good publicity.
So french id are going 2 sponsor a mountain biker because he is famous at riding a mountain bike not a scooter ?
makes perfect sense 2 me!
Alex Peasley said:
hes not on the actual team, hes on k-124 UK team, kind of like flow.... but yeah not actaully on french ID

hes sponsored by k-124 UK, k-124 is the company that owns all the companys such as koxx and frenchID. he just happens to scooter too so they throw him some free shit. so what? its advertisment.