my scooscoo in the back wheel im pritty shure itz making this gay-asss clicking nosie anyone kno whats rong???

Scott Trainer

Super Moderator
Staff member
still probly the same thing, busted wheel or bad bearing
happens to me alot
is it clicking, or like a rattling?
if its rattling then its ur brake

Jarryd M

Just try using new bearings and if it makes the new sound perhaps put in a new wheel. Happened to me and the problem was with the wheel.
three possible things it is:
1: your wheel is cracked. new wheel is necessary.
2: your bearings are fucked. new bearings should do it.
3: sometimes when your wheel is too tight, it clicks. loosen your wheel and you should be good.


Bearings or it could be a soft wheel. thats happened to me before the wheels was soft as from tire taps and it just squeeked but i changed it and the bearings and it was all good.