Scooter Resouce: Photo of the Week


Kieran Mayhew

Yeah! It's back! Send us in your photos to

- Only 1 submission per person, per week.
- One submission per photographer, per week.
- Riding/Action shots are what we are looking for.
- Video grabs are not photos, do not bother with them.
- Photoshop is alright as long as its within reason. I.e. Minimal editing, colour and contrast changes mainly. NO WATERMARKS OR COMPANY LOGOS!
- Include with entry: Rider Name, Trick, Location, Photographer. If you do not your entry will be disqualified.
- Photos are to be given through an EXTERNAL LINK (such as through Photobucket or Flickr .) Entries sent with a photo ATTACHED IN AN EMAIL WILL BE DISQUALIFIED
- Entries are due by 11:59PM Thursday, and will be posted on Saturday to allow for voting.
- E-mails must be titled with the subject: "POTW".

Lets do this!

Kieran Mayhew

Devin you need to resend it with a subject, just so that when I am going through them, they are easy to pick out.

And everyone needs to send a photobucket/flikr/imageshack link (IMG) so that we can put them on the front page. So far all have been attachments.

Kieran Mayhew

Yus, although I couldn't work out where to get the IMG link on Flickr. I certainly wasn't obvious. Try sending it again as an attachment or an IMG link.