Scooter Resource Tattoo

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This thread is for the SR tattoo, why i got it and for people to see.
1. If you dislike my OTHER tattoos then keep it to yourself. This thread is not about them
2. If you dislke the SR tattoo or the many reasons why i got it, then its okay to say that.. just dont be dicks.
3. These three tattoos have a lot of meaning to me, even if it looks funny because i got a duck head on my chest. I could post an entire thread with a lot of detail and reasonn, but
BACK to rule one this isnt about that tattoo.
SO PLEASEEEEEEEEEEEE just stick to the topic of this thread "SR Tattoo"
IF you like it or dislike it thats fine. Make a post saying it if you like. Just be chill please and thanks.


I got this because for a while Ive been wanted to get a tattoo that relates to scooter, for scooter has had a huge impact on my life and will continue too. I thought of several designs but i did not like any of them, then logging onto SR the other day i saw and was reminded of the SR star-looking logo/image/graphic. I thought well it has to do with scootering, without SR and the creator the sport WOULD not be where it is today. I am very thankful for everyone i have met through scootering and all my memory's. I did not get this for just SR/Andrew, but that is one of the many many reasons. I love scootering and always will. even if im 40 and not scootering that wont change, because it still had a huge impact on my life. 6 years and still going.
thanks, haha its the logo for Ducks Unlimted its a wetland conservation none-profit organization for waterfowl. ive been a member for severl years, and have been going waterfowl hunting for 15 years

tats that you have to explain, arent worth getting. you should stick to self-explanatory tats like: american flag, swastika, words of wisdom(ie: not some jesus bs), swastika, swastika... yeah


lol okay sickydankoliver. ill do with my body what i want. and you do to your what you want. dont tell me what to do with my body
FIGHT!!!! sickydank FTW, oliver will destroy anyone who dare trys to diss on threads. charles dont get mad cuase oliver just asked a question about the goose, jesus, ur obliviously insecure about it if u get so damn defensive. pernally the goose is tight. it shows u have soft side, sorta like.... how micheal jackson has a lil boy in him, u have a lil girl.

spencer cunningham

Bronze member
All you sicky dank kids are a bunch of underage stoner wanna be's keep your half baked comments to yourself. No one needs your shit! You probably have an srh tattoo or were planning on getting one anyways
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