scooter rider on FUEL

yea im watching fuel and saw a black scooter rider from New york doing a double tw off a kicker at the brooklyn banks
who was it maybe a random?


Steel Member

was it that guy in the background in the camo shirt?
no not him it was probably just a random the guy was bigger and had different hair
and im the last thing from racist my best friends black if i would have said nigger thats a different story


hehe.. but anyone remember video where was a black guy in it? he did really crazy stuff like 540 airs and stuff, it might be him. he isnt on SR i m pretty sure


Saying African American is actually more racist because it assumes that all black people are from Africa, which they aren't.


Steel Member
yeah, i've seen that thing on fuel as well it's a program that explores all the great skate spots in lots of different major cities. And in the new york episode they are commented on how many bikers there are at the banks now and then they show one scooterer doing a double whip off a little kicker thing.