Scooter Slam on Mega Ramp & Nitro Circus Live AUS

Riley Hughes

Steel Member
^^ if andrew died, then that would be terrible!!!!
who would carry on proto scooters..?

EDIT: i just realized i was wearing a proto scooters shirt when i wrote that... sad. :(


I knew it was most likely Andrew from the beginning I just didn't think it was him at the same time, so I never posted it, I still have doubts about it being him, but idk. This very spooky.


One of those scooter riders with the Bright Green Shirts definitely looked like Elmer.

You're seeing the picture wrong. That guy doesn't even have long hair, or a fro for that matter, haha. It's someone standing behind him with a black shirt.

And obviously it was directed as sarcasm that whoever it was "died." Probably just a gnarly crash. Drop it, nobody died. Even if someone did "die" do you really think he would disrespect the rider/riders family that much by posting a picture of the aftermath?!


EnDub Step
yea i called em too!! shiit this is not looking good but lets think different :) his phones prolly off cuz hes chillen at the shop all day and night lol


Guys it might be Andrew if you look at the bars that he ride in the second clip of him in the vdeo that Jake Clark posted he is riding white slayers with black grips. Then if you look at the picture there is scooter with black grips on white slayers. This is very scary.


Super Moderator
Staff member
Guys it might be Andrew if you look at the bars that he ride in the second clip of him in the vdeo that Jake Clark posted he is riding white slayers with black grips. Then if you look at the picture there is scooter with black grips on white slayers. This is very scary.

No way dude?! Nice observation.


I got myself banned.
dude.... that would honestly suck. maybe he is in the hospital or something? but idk dead on a resi?

Jordan Jasa

Silver Member
if he had died we would know by now, the god of scooters doesn't just die and nobody knows, jeez.

he just ate it hella hard.

Riley Hughes

Steel Member
maybe they "lost him" as in he cant be on the nitro circus tour because he wrecked really hard and messed himself up or something. i hope you're right jordan ^^