Scooter Videos for Your IPOD -=updated January 29th 112 videos up now!!!!

brian amato

somehow i downloaded SCSK directly from the SCSK Full Movie. now it's blocked lol. can you do youtube videos? or is it only vimeo ones? cuz... i'd like dan barrett and steve wilson

edit: by the way thanks for doing this i got an iPod video and i'm getting it for Christmas and i needed videos on it soo this is such a huuuuuuuuuuuge help :]


dargersaurus rex
yeah i can convert youtube. and scsk is all converted and done, i just need to wait untill thursday so i have enough space to upload it to youtube

Lamont Tyre

umm get the french id csz trip video i think its called.. and the new French id video and ill love you when i get my ipod


dargersaurus rex
Chad MacLean said:
Nick what are you using to convert these videos?
cos there all making my ipod nano 4th gen freeze...
i use a website called

sorry if its making it freeze. my old video used to freeze, but that was because it was full of videos and music