Scooter Videos for Your IPOD -=updated January 29th 112 videos up now!!!!

Shaun Walton

Bronze member
Yeah, i just graduated, and im currently having some family issues, so im really not getting on lately. Give me a lil bit, and ill see what i can do, chillax

Shaun Walton

Bronze member
okay. well, today is one chance i can actually be on for a lil, so right now im trying to get a few little vids up and formated. So im trying to throw in

Tyler Wheeland Web Edit
Nick Darger Web Edit
Monky Web Edit
Transit (if it works)
Brendon Smith (ill get some of his vids)
and anymore?


Steel Member
ok i just downloaded a video onto my computer then tried to drag and drop it to my ipod and it says it cannot be copied to this ipod because it cannot be played on this ipod any help?
everytime i go for the download box it says "sorry, this video is not for download" is there any other way to download or is there something wrong with my settings?!?!


Bronze member
i tried this a while ago but i was only allowed to download a certain number of videos every day and some aree in flv format like wtf omg