scootering in x-games

stop making stupid threads about scootering being in the x-games, its never ever ever ever ever ever ever going to happen. Scootering was in the Planet-X games and it sucked sh*t, there is no way they are going to put it in the x-games.


i dont think scootering, or pogo sticking, will ever get the respect it deserves to even be considered in the x games. but hey, i think thats cool, lets keep our underground sports, well, underground sports. thats what makes them cool. being released to the x games would make more poser ass kids try our sports and make us look even badder
someone told me that scooters are in the dew tour next year.
anyone else heard this?

and scooters in the x-games would be good i reacon. yeah you would get more posers but it would make the sport bigger.
most people hate scooter yeah. nbut alot of people dont know what you can do on a scooter. so scooters and x-games i think yes.
then people would see would we can really do

Jesus D:

EarlPote said:
i dont think scootering, or pogo sticking, will ever get the respect it deserves to even be considered in the x games. but hey, i think thats cool, lets keep our underground sports, well, underground sports. thats what makes them cool. being released to the x games would make more poser ass kids try our sports and make us look even badder
well yea more poser,like there is in sk8boardin now and days but it will get out more companies,sport will get bigger and even get paid to ride your scooter if your that skilled but lets jus do us and keep the sport goin and let fate take its choice to c if it will get big or not