scooters in the x games

has been posted soo many times bud.

we all want it in, but its not going to happen because scooters are still thought of as a toy product, not a sport.

once we develop an image then it may happen.


John Radtke said:
has been posted soo many times bud.

we all want it in, but its not going to happen because scooters are still thought of as a toy product, not a sport.

once we develop an image then it may happen.


BST Moderator
Staff member
yh this has been menioned alot of of times,but the Vertcial Games has allowed scooter this year so thats a start.


BST Moderator
Staff member
Luke12399 said:
what is the vertical games lol

the vertical games is a xgames-like competition which involves Skateboard,Blades,BMX and now Scooters,ill put a thread up about it when it happens next year,Dakota Schuetz told me about it and said that I should enter,lol

it takes place in 4 Scottish locations.Edinburgh,Dundee,Aberdeen,and Dumberton.

ill give more info to those who want it.


BST Moderator
Staff member
Erik Howard said:
there has been a planet X-Games in Australia

yh,but that was i think "scooters only" whereas a competition with scooters as part of it would be better for the sport because it shows scootering fitting in nicely with all the other sports and seeing them all as a whole.

Nate Grant

Steel Member
JDBen said:
Erik Howard said:
there has been a planet X-Games in Australia

yh,but that was i think "scooters only" whereas a competition with scooters as part of it would be better for the sport because it shows scootering fitting in nicely with all the other sports and seeing them all as a whole.

no. ben you are an idiot. i've been watching all of your posts lately and if i were you i'd shut up.

the planet x games had way more than scooters


BST Moderator
Staff member
Nate Grant said:
JDBen said:
Erik Howard said:
there has been a planet X-Games in Australia

yh,but that was i think "scooters only" whereas a competition with scooters as part of it would be better for the sport because it shows scootering fitting in nicely with all the other sports and seeing them all as a whole.

no. ben you are an idiot. i've been watching all of your posts lately and if i were you i'd shut up.

the planet x games had way more than scooters

fuck you! and read before you speak,i sed that i wasnt sure so that doesnt make me an idiot,and i dont live in australia and i havent looked into except for the scooter part,so stop having a go at me for making 1 mistake.
JDBen said:
Nate Grant said:
JDBen said:
Erik Howard said:
there has been a planet X-Games in Australia

yh,but that was i think "scooters only" whereas a competition with scooters as part of it would be better for the sport because it shows scootering fitting in nicely with all the other sports and seeing them all as a whole.

no. ben you are an idiot. i've been watching all of your posts lately and if i were you i'd shut up.

the planet x games had way more than scooters

fuck you! and read before you speak,i sed that i wasnt sure so that doesnt make me an idiot,and i dont live in australia and i havent looked into except for the scooter part,so stop having a go at me for making 1 mistake.

i wouldent say that to a mod


BST Moderator
Staff member
Erik Howard said:
JDBen said:
Nate Grant said:
JDBen said:
Erik Howard said:
there has been a planet X-Games in Australia

yh,but that was i think "scooters only" whereas a competition with scooters as part of it would be better for the sport because it shows scootering fitting in nicely with all the other sports and seeing them all as a whole.

no. ben you are an idiot. i've been watching all of your posts lately and if i were you i'd shut up.

the planet x games had way more than scooters

fuck you! and read before you speak,i sed that i wasnt sure so that doesnt make me an idiot,and i dont live in australia and i havent looked into except for the scooter part,so stop having a go at me for making 1 mistake.

i wouldent say that to a mod

yh but im sick of people saying that im an idiot instead of just correcting me,calling me an idiot isnt necessary.


Bronze member
The X-games are gayy anyways. They are totally phasing out hella events that were badass. Fuck motocross and rally-car racing. Anything that isn't propelled by a human and a human only shouldn't be in the X-games. I'm not saying that they aren't hard and ballsy sports, but all the OG sports are being eliminated cause they don't make money. X-games is all about the money now and we shouldn't give a shit about the X-games.


BST Moderator
Staff member
Addison said:
The X-games are gayy anyways. They are totally phasing out hella events that were badass. Fuck motocross and rally-car racing. Anything that isn't propelled by a human and a human only shouldn't be in the X-games. I'm not saying that they aren't hard and ballsy sports, but all the OG sports are being eliminated cause they don't make money. X-games is all about the money now and we shouldn't give a shit about the X-games.

yh exactly,in fact they have a new line of "x-games" toys like "x-games skateboards" and "x-games roller-blades" that sell for like $20 dollars each.XD

Jordan Jasa

Silver Member
razorrider639 said:
every extreme sport is in the x games except for scooters. thoughts....
uhhh no? theres like freestyle 3 sports in x games. and then racing.

scooters will not be in the x-games (if ever) for a very long time. besides, x-games sucks, its all about the mountain dew tour.

i want to lock this thread, wayyy to many of these.


goddam ben you have like 60% of the posts in this thread, youre starting to annoy me too. you joined like 3 months ago and youre trying to boss mods and other people around. 90% of the posts you make are stupid. stop sucking up too