Scooters taking your time away from REAL friends?


Super Moderator
Staff member
has that ever happened to you?
since i started riding i didnt hang out with my friends as much and NONE of them ride.
so i just kinda met new people that rode.
but shit ive been hanging out with my old friends a little more and it feels so good to just hang out with people.
so yeahhhh,

Kenny O.

scooter kids always talk about scooters and gay shit and dont know how to make real friends outside of the skatepark

humpurple kushiones

Steel Member
derrik lowends said the same thing. all my "real" friends are potheads and try to get me to smoke weed again and fuck up my life. so i guess it dont matter for me. derek said balance your friends and scootering

and hos before scooters


Staff member
Meh. i don't have a life, and most of my friends are at the skatepark anyway.

Matt Ogle

i have some skatepark friends and some outside of the park friends, but i never let my riding get too into my social life to where i cant balance it.


Super Moderator
Staff member
Matt Ogle said:
i have some skatepark friends and some outside of the park friends, but i never let my riding get too into my social life to where i cant balance it.
thats how it is.
but now its like gotten into my social life.
so i dont ride as much

scott a

basically here all my good friends skate scooter bike or just hang out at the skatepark so i chill with them while riding and i like it that way so no it doesnt take away from time with my friends
haha sooo much, sounds sad but i dont really have any good friends anymore LOL i cba, i go skatepark to ride my scooter not to socialise.

Matt Dibble

Staff member
i don't get to hang out with "scooter kids" that often. During XW time when we aren't riding my friends chill and party with us, and they get that I don't get to hang out with you guys that much so they aren't pissed if I don't see them for awhile or whatever. I had like 4 people text me daily in SD saying they wished I was home haha. <3 my friends.


i never used to have any friends until i got into riding. so every single friend that i have rides. i never really just hang out with them though like the only time i ever meet up with them is when we go riding together.

scott a

wow for some of you guys it seems bad like just riding and not with friends but one of the main reasons i ride is because of friends they got me into it and they keep me going in it
lol yea theres not too many ppl i hang out with that scooter other than riding scooter or anythign involved with them
basically twan ryan and julio and dustin
and i hang out with the homies at night time when all the skateparks are closed til like 2 am so i dont really have that problem anymore but i did in high school

Big L

Steel Member
No, not really before the summer i was alll about scootering and all gay and serious, then i started biking and really started hanging out with my friends, but if anything i have just found a lot more REAL friends, i have my good school friends and then i have a few really good riding friends it balances out
Most of my old friends are either fucked on something, or i havent talked to them in years.

You learn alot about people, especially the fact that they can turn into idiots, assholes, or get into bad shit whether they are scooter riders or not.

prettymuch all my close friends are scooter riders but i wouldnt have it any other way, its just one more thing thats fun as hell to do.
Scott A said:
basically here all my good friends skate scooter bike or just hang out at the skatepark so i chill with them while riding and i like it that way so no it doesnt take away from time with my friends

Yeah same if i hungout with people who didn't ride and stuff i'd be so different. And gayyyyyyy