You dont even have to hang out with anyone, if you wear them to your school your gunna be a laughing stock because if a sneakerhead catchs it hell tell his friends and then there friends will tell there friends and then one of them will start making fun of you and once everyone see's that someone did it they'll do it to and dont tell me no because that's highschool for you. And if your outta school, go to the mall with them and see if you wont find cocky ass dick heads that'll point you out and make fun of you with there friends. And dont say you wouldnt care because you'll be saying that just to keep the idgaf attitude so you make them feel like there wasting there time but YOU KNOW you'll feel like an idiot. And you should, Dont buy fake shit. That's like buying cheap china made scooter parts, your taking what should have been Proto's/phoenix's/luckys/etc and giving it to some Asian just because.