Sick new reinforcements


Steel Member
i have one. its pretty rad, it make grinding smooth its real strong and the same weight of box reinforcements. im gunna use mine again when i get a new deck...
Dang... I wanted to see Alex fakie slider across your knee caps. Also i think im with alex on this one as well as dre. 4 little allen bolts just don't seem up to par with the riding being done today.


Dre said:
You could probably make your own that are cheaper, lighter, and nearly as strong using the right size square tubing inside of the deck..

still mad legit though. Good that someone finally took the initiative and did what razor SHOULD have done instead of putting that shitty useless 2-inch squared foldy plate in their scooters.

edit: nvm, this thing wraps around the deck, means that the foldy will still rip out. No improvement over regular reinforcements whatsoever, just adding unnecessary weight and decreasing ground clearance, if they made an extended foldy plate which went inside the deck and went all the way through it, now THAT would be useful.

WERDD. That is exactly what I thought.

saw these guys and their stuff at pooter con. The guy came over and was scopin my crowbars out a little too closely. Dont really like these guys so far...

Theres gonna be alot of companies trying to jump into the sport now that its finally taking off. And so far their stuff seems pretty gimmicky to me.

Matt Grippi said:
yes i love mine too and dont even talk sh!t about stuff you dont know ppl up ther ^ they're madd legit and you cant make these your own there cnc machined and stuff and idk what the metal is but its strong

I dont see what would need to be machined....
Looks like they just punched it out and bent it on a sheetmetal break...

I wish people with these resources would quit wasting time with this garboge that will just be absolete once everyones making one peice decks.

Why dont they just make a damn deck anyway?