skate hut au

nz scoot

ok i searched but couldnt find any thing
yea is it legit becouse about to buy from them

EDIT:i mean scooter hut


they were meant to have the online store up in january
they had a stall in a westfield near my school
everyone stole shit from there haha

nz scoot

thats nt cool stealing from a scooter store our cumminty is small a nuf and u jst goin 2 give scooters a bad name


they were meant to have the online store up in january
they had a stall in a westfield near my school
everyone stole shit from there haha

yea i saw that stall i was talking to the lady she was telling to me about the olliie usa wheels and i said i bet i could break it before the warranty runs out then she's like 'how? oh u can do tricks on that thing? i was like -__- chillin with my everything but razor set up.

And then she was like trying to sell them spoked yak scats and i told the customer they were crap and she just gave me the evils.

The end.

those razor and yaks are pretty cheap but!


Steel Member
yea i saw that stall i was talking to the lady she was telling to me about the olliie usa wheels and i said i bet i could break it before the warranty runs out then she's like 'how? oh u can do tricks on that thing? i was like -__- chillin with my everything but razor set up.

And then she was like trying to sell them spoked yak scats and i told the customer they were crap and she just gave me the evils.

The end.

those razor and yaks are pretty cheap but!

I seen the stall at west field walked pasted it :cool:

they had basicly yaks & these china metal cores which SOA org released over 1 & a half years ago known now as yak skats

i didnt pay much attention to the store at the time & you clearly see why

nz scoot

it looks real gud now soa from the sounds of it u werent the best store at the start everyone needs some where to start from


Steel Member
it looks real gud now soa from the sounds of it u werent the best store at the start everyone needs some where to start from

understand & totaly agree with you im glad scooter hut is here cause i hate orders from mums & dads our store is for freestyle riders

we sell freestyle stuff not kids toys like yak wheels, SOA Also was a small hobbie business until the start this year basicly market research for a while i beleave i have the upper hand on smaller new companys starting up

anyway this is scooterhut thread, Basicly scooterhut r UNLEGIT To me cause they stole uk stores website design & basicly there name honeslty the owner should rethink his market idea's cause i can tell you now it aint going work in his flavor

they dont deserve there name they picked after dogg scooters already is scoothut, NZ Rider they aint no new company mate been on scooter market for 2 years, they trade via EBay then claim on there website they are cheaper then ebay but the clamps are not cheaper yet they sell that stuff on ebay you all are being mislead from the owner

they claimed to me im not professional WELL FK ME when ever have a claimed i am, i ride scooters & support the sport thats all im not here for million dollar profit like scoothut im here for a lifestyle & to put a smile on my face. scooter hut look professional cause there website they paided for to copy sum one elses design, there store is for kiddy side of this sport they even run basicly a day care center when u order, to drop your kid off bulid his custom while you go shopping LOl best of luck to you scooterhut


the lady was really nice there, but would do anything to get you to buy shit
but the guy encouraged my mate not to get yak skats but he still did haha


heeeey peeeps
I ringed up the guy today and talked to him for 30min we where talking about heaps of shit like china brands and all these brands and how some china stuff is shit

...So i said use arnt that mutched herd of he siad there was alot of diffulcutys whith the site .....i said to him use look pretty goood and stuff they stock blunt wheels and bars luckey eagle wheels they orderd proto grippers and sliders and striker forks what will be
there mid auguast and there getting phoenix in this week!

The guy is realy nice he told me to come up and have a chat whith him he siad there not that mutch herd of at the moment but hes there going 2 get the word out more and im gonna help hes getting some tshirts made up soon 2....

I said use stock heaps good stuff use just need to get out there more then i said least ure products arnt a rip like shq then he explained y and this other stuff :)

Use should respect theres a nother good company that stocks good products for a good prive insacly what brisbane needs!


Hope use enjoyed my story probally said some stuff 2wice lol ohhweeell :D


Steel Member
lol look im not going comment about the above post, my comments stand as they are

anyway i not trying like make you order from me as i said above i am glad companys like this are around, i my self have placed 2 orders with scooter hut since i known bout the website

anyway me at the scooterhut


its sort of a shed with a shelf Not a retail shop good things too your mum can get your little sister a gryocar or tampoline even a surfskate board Toy kingdom, its a shame it doesnt have ramps inside to ride, i still perfer conman on gc anyday


nz scoot

i was goin to order from soa but to be honest scooter hut had the parts i wanted no beef against soa
and i think scooter hut is LEGIT great prices and great parts
u also said you dont sell kiddy parts like yaks but they are not any worse than other cheap chinse brands like Imitated
so but i think your a hipocrit
and yes i cant spell


Steel Member
i was goin to order from soa but to be honest scooter hut had the parts i wanted no beef against soa
and i think scooter hut is LEGIT great prices and great parts
u also said you dont sell kiddy parts like yaks but they are not any worse than other cheap chinse brands like Imitated
so but i think your a hipocrit
and yes i cant spell

fair enough
Hey Justin (SOA),

Don't know what your problem is with Scooter Hut. You go onto every forum to bag us, you send us weird emails, you order goods from our website and don't pay for them and you visit our store under cover of darkness to take photos. Why don't you come see us during the day when we can actually meet one another?
Our wholesale toy business is a separate company to Scooter Hut, but it is that business that has allowed us to place large orders of goods from brands like Proto, Blunt, Lucky, Phoenix, DSA, District, Yak, Madd Gear and Razor, which gives us discount (economy of scale) which in turn allows us to keep our prices really low on all the above brands which in turn makes the sport of scooting more affordable for more people. Whether those customers are short, tall, old, young, beginners or professionals...we don't discriminate, because we know that everyone is entitled to ride a scooter, and those "kiddies" you refer to are the future of the sport, and without kids out there practicing their skills and copying the older guys, the sport of scooting will die out like the fad it was 8 years ago. I think anyone who is genuinely behind the sport would be encouraging of people who aspire to be great at the sport, but maybe I'm wrong?

Our experience is that even the most hardcore riders prefer to pay less and get good service, and that is exactly what they get at Scooter Hut.

Anyway, Justin you should come down and meet us face to face and shake off some of those issues you have with us. We're nice people and would like to think you don't need to sneak around at night to find out more about us.

Scooter Hut PTY LTD


Steel Member
i didnt really read most your comments, but yeah i order from you paided the first order posted got it rode the wheel gave it away to a rider of ours after, second order i asked you if you were open on sat as its just easyer day for me to come see you, as i wanted a product again from you which you cant obtain from other local companys, you did not reply to my email i offer to bring free razor promo stuff for your store & clients to rep razor as i have a sponsorship with them for riding (NOT BUSINESS like yourself a OFFICIAL Razor wholesaler)

as you didnt reply i yeah just didnt pay the online order to pick the product up

i only stopped at your store after riding at night & relised the store was next to the main rd i drive bak on due to roadworks on main hwy on way to nerang then mudgy skate park so i decided go the front hwy home, so yeah i stopped just have look at your shop i actualy was expecting more but yeah anyway i got ride one my old favour street drop offs right round the corner from you

i dis you only cause your site cause it was copy from uk dealer skate hut other wise i would not have said any thing, as you also seen the what you said weird emails is cause of the sites likeness to skate hut