

yh, there were gay boi skaters at the skatepark today who thourght they were ard cos they were from london
at my park most everyone gets along, but i was at the jacksonville park a little while ago and some of the skaters there were talking crap, and its always the ones who suck at riding, but after they saw me ride they shut up =]


Logan Bradleyy? said:
Nick Darger-951 said:
Tylerr. said:
Ive noticed that older skaters are really chill sometimes.
yeah most of the time

Completely opposite for us, all the old skaters are dicks too us, and the younger appreciate it more.
Yeah,but for me it's all,young or old.the young ones usually just call it gay and the older ones mainly want to fight.i don't mind either way.I'm not gonna let people mess with me like that just because i'm riding a scooter.scooters imo is wayy better than skateboarding.


Super Moderator
Staff member
What i ment by older
was like out of highschool
people who are mature.

not like 16 year olds who think they own the park


Steel Member
I usually do not have such problems, everyone appreciate my riding, but once I remember a funny dialogue:
- Come on, dude, that's just two metal sticks put together, how can anything on it look spectacular?
- Come on, dude, that's just a piece of wood, why do you think tricks on it look better? :)


Steel Member
Scoot-4-lyf said:
giv scootering a good impression make friends dont fight em

exactly. we dont need any more shit from people, just be cool. dont argue or fight with anyone.


i skate but when im scootering i bitch out like 5 skaters a day at incline since there dicks haha funnyt stuff
Depeneds on the skater cause some are pretty chill like me my cousin and tanner were riding at our local park and 6 beans rolled up on us talking shit tthen james pushed one and they tried jumping us but a skater helped us out and evened up the odds so some skaters are pretty sick


i reckon all the skaters that are only a couple of years older than you are the biggest d!cks.
but i just play my didgeridoo and the leave me alone.


ive never had a problem with skaters. me and other scooterers take skaters to spots. no one says anything to us at parks because we stay out of every1s way.


Steel Member
For the most part I ride with skaters so i don't have much of that problem.

but when i do for the most part its the 13 year old wigger that cant kickflip