smallest flip contest??

tanner markley said:
John Radtke said:
tanner markley said:
yea only flips not flairs
i flipped a pretty small pyramid at west covina and still got at least 3 feet up
and about a 1 1/2 ft tall one at LA
john and chris will vouch for me on that
Dub post fuck you.

anyways, yeah that was pretty sick, definatly one of the smallest ive seen.
dude me and murphy were riding all week during sd and he couldnt flair any of the small stuff i did he could flair bigger though but idk about now i got them pretty high

ya it wasnt small it was just a bank but none the less banks are extremely hard to flair
remember sd2.?

he was trying to fucking flair a little shit thing that was about a foot tall.


Silver Member

Coedie win smallest front flip.
One - it is a 3ft mellow bank.
two - It is un-assisted.
three - he pwns at life.


Steel Member
NateBaker said:
can anyone flip flat?

john radtke... frontflip flat

and i can get extremely close now without anything to hit my wheel

and $20 bucks says cory geisler will have them soon