Sobriety Saves.


Dom Dalbert said:
the people that made sobritey saves are 14 and 15. im 13
what a crock o' shit.. I don't understand how you can make such a hasty judgement on something you've never tried/experienced before in your life. Sure some people are alcoholics and fuck themselves up because of it, but just because of a few "bad apples" doesn't mean that it's not possible to be responsible with it..

Big L

Steel Member
Seriously go get drunk or high, and if you don't like either...

I will fuck a horse

I bet you will go try either and you will enjoy it, and if you don't there's probably something wrong with you

Big L

Steel Member
This shit sort of ties in with like the "no sex before marriage" thing in my opinion, like why would you EVER contemplate on living like that its such a waste, life is short why live with such shitty rules and it just bottles my mind that's right, bottles my mind.

scott a

Logan Bradley said:
This shit sort of ties in with like the "no sex before marriage" thing in my opinion, like why would you EVER contemplate on living like that its such a waste, life is short why live with such shitty rules and it just bottles my mind that's right, bottles my mind.

thats exactly how i feel couldnt say it any better