SoloChristo DVD - A Work In Progress

Joey Aria

Bronze member
dude, shut up.

and if y'all need footage to put in the video, I'd be willing to send in a few clips!

dude be quiet really if you dont like it dont come in here
i would love to give you a few clips i was gonna email you and i hade my testimony and every thing and i was putting a link to my video but youtubes blocked on the school computers and it crashed the internet so when i get home i re type it.

Please email us at
Just give positive feedback no reason for negativity. What does that solve? You don't have to be an ass. Because he is Christian that is wrong? It has nothing to do with you so just knock it off. It is his choice.

I liked your riding though good luck with all of this

humpurple kushiones

Steel Member
You need a better filmer and editer if you want to make a good dvd. that was ok for a web video, but no one would buy a dvd filmed and edited like an average youtube video, christian or not. just some constructive criticism.


Staff member
Alright. Admin here.

1: This is a forum. Meaning that people will discuss positively or negatively about whatever is posted. If you want all happy and nice criticism, bring it to your parents. Not here. You should be prepared for haters at all time. Most of the stuff I post on here video wise is largely ignored or put down.

2: Blocking the comments on youtube/"comment pending approval" is gay.

3: Brody as much as I love your reply I need to give you a warning for that. Tone it down a bit. Don't use that much foul language in one sentence please.

4: Brian it's hard to ignore text of any type on a screen. It was majorly distracting and abhorrently annoying.

5: I personally don't think this DVD will sell, I'd abandon ship on this one.

6: Riley if you're not a christian then the scripture/writing is just really annoying and makes no sense... Well, for most human beings the writing makes no sense anyway, but thats for a different thread.

...7?: Some things are meant to be kept separate. Like bleach and ammonia. Religion and scootering mix just as well as bleach and ammonia do. (I would not recommend doing this)

Hep Greg

you guys need to get over the religious aspect of this, even if you dont agree with it. i dont really like it, but im not gonna say anything about it because i have this thing called "respect". you guys should try to get some.

also, this video will have footage of Andy Bradford, Joey Aria, and Matt Andrus in it. thats enough to make me wanna see it at least once.


Steel Member
Just give positive feedback no reason for negativity. What does that solve? You don't have to be an ass. Because he is Christian that is wrong? It has nothing to do with you so just knock it off. It is his choice.

I liked your riding though good luck with all of this


Joey Aria

Bronze member
You need a better filmer and editer if you want to make a good dvd. that was ok for a web video, but no one would buy a dvd filmed and edited like an average youtube video, christian or not. just some constructive criticism.

The footage in this video is old and "throwaway". As explained in the description, this is not a trailer video. The purpose for making this video is to gain support, let people know what we're doing, and get people interested. We are getting new crew members for the production of this film. That means a new filmer and video editor. In addition to that we will be using a new editing program and other new equipment.

Matt Ogle

thats great you are trying to get the word out but im although i am HIGHLY in favor of making a DVD in this sort of field, it wont sell or obtain any public fame at this rate of videography/riding skill. I'd say make it an online edit instead (serves the same purpose of trying to spread the gospel). Religion and scooters mix but also not the extent of putting up verses on every other frame. Again, I am highly in favor of the idea but in order to get respect and attention from every angle you need to do it right. Good luck!


Silver Member
This is borderline evangelistic.
Do you really enjoy being seen as the people in the world that try to force your religion upon others? I have nothing but respect for people with faith, but honestly, I don't want to watch a video with bible verses plastered across it. If I wanted to, I'd wake up at 6am and watch someone yell the gospel at me on the community channel.
There's place in the sport for people with faith, but please be respectful of OUR beliefs too, most of us are respectful of yours.