Curiosity with steven hawking is pretty neat.
Here's what i dont like, since people have no explaination for things like how we were created and such, they just say, "oh, god did it". Well if god made earth, then who in the hell made god. There are no theories proving anything.
Another thing is like how was space "created". We dont know, and probably never will. We've been FAR out into space but we still don't know whats past the marks that we have been too.
Evolution is a big one. So people are saying that we were a single cell that eventually turned into multiple cells, to thousands of cells somewhere that leads to a chimp. Then we evolved from chimps to what we are today? I find this bs. How could we evolve from something so incignificant to something soooo advanced.
its not that simple. go do some research first then it will make perfect sense.
we literally share 98.77% of our DNA with Chimpanzee's, so to quote Joe Rogan, " if somebody told you a sandwhich contained 98% ----- and only 3% willing to bet you would call that a shit sandwhich!"