

Curiosity with steven hawking is pretty neat.

Here's what i dont like, since people have no explaination for things like how we were created and such, they just say, "oh, god did it". Well if god made earth, then who in the hell made god. There are no theories proving anything.

Another thing is like how was space "created". We dont know, and probably never will. We've been FAR out into space but we still don't know whats past the marks that we have been too.

Evolution is a big one. So people are saying that we were a single cell that eventually turned into multiple cells, to thousands of cells somewhere that leads to a chimp. Then we evolved from chimps to what we are today? I find this bs. How could we evolve from something so incignificant to something soooo advanced.

its not that simple. go do some research first then it will make perfect sense.

we literally share 98.77% of our DNA with Chimpanzee's, so to quote Joe Rogan, " if somebody told you a sandwhich contained 98% ----- and only 3% willing to bet you would call that a shit sandwhich!"

Carson .

Steel Member
i know its not THAT simple, but i dont think its possible for a single cell to become something like us, ALSO i don't get how that one cell would become anything but a blob, like how it became an eye, an ear, etc..


the real question is, where did that first cell come from? o_O

God? Spontanious chemical reaction? who knows....maybe God really did create us, but he just left us alone to do our own thang.

humpurple kushiones

Steel Member
i know its not THAT simple, but i dont think its possible for a single cell to become something like us, ALSO i don't get how that one cell would become anything but a blob, like how it became an eye, an ear, etc..

please, don't assume things.

you can google your questions and get the very complicated answers that you are bound to get. just because you don't understand how it happened, doesnt make it impossible.

"Oh and one more thing, pushing anti-religion is just as bad as pushing religion"

im not even pushing anti-religion, im just trying to get anyone who isnt completely lost to think. the anti-religious stuff just comes from that thinking.

"God? Spontanious chemical reaction? who knows....maybe God really did create us, but he just left us alone to do our own thang."

maybe, but a possibility isnt always a probability.

no one knows how the first cells really formed, based on the chemicals available at the time we can make educated assumptions, but we wont know how the first cells formed with any degree of certainty for a LONGG time.

edit: by educated assumption, i don't mean a guess, i mean an actual, educated and testable assumption that complies with all natural laws.

Scott Trainer

Super Moderator
Staff member
I know what a debate is lol. But it's very one sided. It's hard to debate when almost the entire forum is anti-religion. I wouldn't want to respond to you guys with another belief. It's scary. I understand that the topic is a very stubborn one. And that whatever is said won't change the other's beliefs. But I haven't seen many respectful responses. They are very blunt ad come off in a rude, sort of, 'are you stupid? I can't believe you just said that' way. Maybe what bugs me is all of the bandwagon kids. I think it's hilarious. 'Yeah! Religion is stupid, and gay. Anthony, please notice me..' That and the fact that the ones regulating these threads have their own personal opinion as well. This isn't meant to be an attack on any of the mods, I love you guys and think you are all super super. Hopefully you can at least see where I am coming from, though.

Just a note, I'm not much of a fan of religion, I'd just like to see everything be a little bit more fair.

Hopefully this shortened version will post....

Oh and one more thing, pushing anti-religion is just as bad as pushing religion(minus the money part.. thatjusaintrighttt)


I see where youre coming from. I can only speak for myself on this (I cant read the other peoples minds), but I dint necessarily push anti-religion on people, because it would be a contradiction like you said. I just simply question religion and point out everything that makes no sense and how a lot of stuff in religion contradicts itself. For example, everyone is supposedly equal in the eyes of god, but yet youre told that if you dont go to church every sunday, youre going to hell; doesnt make sense.
i try not to personally attack people at all on this topic or tell them their beliefs are wrong. People can believe whatever they want, I have my beliefs and they have theirs. But religion always has been and always will be a controversal debate topic. Theres so many perspectives, so many different religions, and opinions. I like getting into religious debates because I always thought it was sketchy how most religions came from the same bible, but the only difference is that they pick and choose what parts to follow.

I can kinda see what youre saying about it being one sided, but most religious debates become like that. Im not saying me, anthony, rob, and anyone else debating are automatically right, but if anything its the religious people who attack us. Ive seen plenty of religious people say things along the lines of we'll find out how stupid we are when we die and go to hell for questioning god. Now that pisses me off, stuff like thats been said on here, and to me in person. Someone from my own family told me I was going to hell for questioning religion. I started rambling a lot in here, but the point Im trying to make is that it isnt really "one-sided", religious people often give a hit and run response and never back it up, except for the "youre going to hell" logic. Thats why I debate religion. They can believe whatever they want, but I cant?

Tyler Jones

I'm Christian. I support Solochristo. I support the idea of it more than the group itself. Maybe Joey isn't a guy you would want to hang out with, the way you talk about him I don't know many people who would. But at least he's passionate about something and he's trying to change the world with it. If you want him to lay off of you then you need to lay off of him and every other Christian in the community. Believe what you want, and I'll believe what I want. But don't go out telling me that my faith is completely wrong because none of us know for sure. Solochristo could be a lot better if it had some heavy hitter names behind it to support it. Just like Boxes, Boxes had a huge reputation before it even was set up just because of the names on the poster. If Boxes didn't have those guys then it wouldn't be nearly as popular. Same with Solochristo. Nobody's right and nobody's wrong but at least have some tolerance guys...


Steel Member
Joey tried ot fucking convert me becauz i do drugs. like whothefuck does that? its fucking stupid, i ant ver read no bible verse that sys drugs are a sin or shit


Steel Member
^^^ When people abuse drugs or whatever, it's as if they are putting the drugs about god, therefore worshipping the drugs rather than god, which is a sin according to christians. so there ya go. according to them it applies to anything.

Anthony: "But letting people just 'be christians' is just as bad as pushing christianity because christianity is stupid and everyone needs to see it and i will use overwhelming amounts of information to prove my point"

nigga say he won't


Steel Member
fuck yo tyler, i dont put drugs above sht, i just do them becasue im bored as fuckall the tme, when i am high i actully think god is real, unlike when im psiss drunk or sober

Tyler Jones

Anthony: "But letting people just 'be christians' is just as bad as pushing christianity because christianity is stupid and everyone needs to see it and i will use overwhelming amounts of information to prove my point"

(To Anthony) You're an evangelistic anti-Christian hahaha you try to convert people FROM Christianity. This is funny.


Silver Member
WAIT WAIT WAIT WAIT....... This is a real fucking thing.? like there not just joking around saying they worship a scooter like i say i do (but fucking around) do they? They REALLY created a scooter/christian religion group? you have NO idea how hard im laughing right now sad kids are sad


Steel Member
WAIT WAIT WAIT WAIT....... This is a real fucking thing.? like there not just joking around saying they worship a scooter like i say i do (but fucking around) do they? They REALLY created a scooter/christian religion group? you have NO idea how hard im laughing right now sad kids are sad

Join the club man, this shit is crazy.

Also: Please excuse my drunk postings last night.


Silver Member
this isnt a ministry, or a team, it's a business that basically uses the religion to (try) to make money. Which wouldn't be a big deal if it wasn't in a sport with little impressionable kids, and he wasn't selling shirts that say things like "life is no fun without god".

Honestly, i talk about religion a lot because of the amount of people that push it on everyone, plus all the lobbying against treatments like stem cell research that could help my little cousins, theres a tonnnn of reasons for me not liking religion.

People can believe what they want, but having a ministry in a sport just to spread around your religion and make money kinda leaves you open to criticism.

This is a big reason why im so against religion

-bitch had nestle holy water.!
-Lady singing was having a mean orgasm
-a boys getting raped in the vid. where the fuck is this penn state.?
-How the fuck does talking gibberish help ANYTHING but make you look like retarded fags?
-Is that fat pos bitch mcdonald eating everyday bitch really comparing religion to mcdonalds?
-Apparently if you want god to help you, you have to be a good cook?
-the little girl bowling COMMANDS jesus to make this a good bowl? gethefuckouttaherewiththatshit.
-there teaching these kids to go up to random people and preach to them to hear there calling? they are gunna get beat up so many fucking times or raped like theres no tomorrow

Do these rapist not realize the damage there giving these kids?

now on a lighter note. i present to you: HOW TO BEAT YOUR WIFE: