Speed Hole how to


Silver Member

a tutorial on speed holes.
so i know its not perfect but it was a very acurate method for me so im just sharing it as there is no other proper tutorial.

please have constructive critism and like and sub if you want.

btw i know i said drop out instead of side walls at one point but ive been speaking alot of swedish and havent ridden for ages so a made a few wrong terminologies.

Billie Rainbow

Silver Member
nice work man. seeing as this method is the way even i do it, now anyone should have clear idea on how to. would you mind if i was to add this into a new thread with a few designs for different decks and all the help i can provide?


Silver Member
nice work man. seeing as this method is the way even i do it, now anyone should have clear idea on how to. would you mind if i was to add this into a new thread with a few designs for different decks and all the help i can provide?

yea sure man as long as it helps other riders id be happy to help. this was your idea to begin with anyway, i just worked out a method and posted it on youtube as no one else had. when you've done the thread can you post the link here though so i can see the thread.


Silver Member
What is the chances of a deck snapping from this? (v2i)

well where i have done the speed holes, the deck wont snap as rups snap at the headtubes. the v2i will snap more depending how you ride either at the headtube or if you grind through some of the deck it may snap there. if you dont grind through it making holes in the top plate wont change strength i beleive. note dont drill through the side walls (the vertical ones) as they carry most strength and the bottom sheet also affects strength a fair bit.

so basically if you did what i did i dont think you will affect strength at all as long as you dont grind through the deck.

remember this could void any warranty if the speed holes is where the deck snaps.


Steel Member
Lets all speed hole our nitro decks because a few pros did it and claim it's amazing/2011 in australia


I dont see the point in making a speed hole how to.

You put a mark where you want the hole, and you drill the hole.
You dot need a hole outline and all of that shit.