SR Chat Thread (Tinychat)

Jamie N

Jamie N
post up any weird goings on here.



The best time was when a guy called i love jesus went on, and he said im going to do a dance for jesus and he danced around for a bit the stood on a chair and flopped his cock out :p it was really strange

Brian Boston

I got myself banned.
I believe it was Thursday or Friday morning. Brian Murphy was asleep on cam, I was on cam, and a few people were in the room. I had somehow lost my admin spot, so there was no admins in the room. One man with the username "sam" or something, came in, stroking his penis. He left after awhile, it was pretty bad. About 10 minutes later, another man came in really going at, beating it furiously, he left before climax i hope, i shut his camera off though. So, in the end, Brian Murphy has been violated via webcam by 2 men, gross.

Jamie N

Jamie N
I believe it was Thursday or Friday morning. Brian Murphy was asleep on cam, I was on cam, and a few people were in the room. I had somehow lost my admin spot, so there was no admins in the room. One man with the username "sam" or something, came in, stroking his penis. He left after awhile, it was pretty bad. About 10 minutes later, another man came in really going at, beating it furiously, he left before climax i hope, i shut his camera off though. So, in the end, Brian Murphy has been violated via webcam by 2 men, gross.

lol im pretty happy i didnt see those two events


Steel Member
I believe it was Thursday or Friday morning. Brian Murphy was asleep on cam, I was on cam, and a few people were in the room. I had somehow lost my admin spot, so there was no admins in the room. One man with the username "sam" or something, came in, stroking his penis. He left after awhile, it was pretty bad. About 10 minutes later, another man came in really going at, beating it furiously, he left before climax i hope, i shut his camera off though. So, in the end, Brian Murphy has been violated via webcam by 2 men, gross.

Yes. That was Thursday and it was so weird. I love jesus was pretty fucked too. Plus today, I seen Jon Reyes balls. How much body parts am I gonna see on there?

Tom Affleck

yoo my arm is in ryans pic top right

today me n ryan saw some guy stroking his weiner while another guy was on a swing inside? was weird

Joe Riley

The Gypsy
Staff member
some black chick with oversized boobs was in there for a whiilllleee a couple days ago haha


Steel Member
Don't know who read the last page but I placed a phonecall to Spain on there last night.
He did it again

Jamie N

Jamie N
brian murphy was on last night and him and his girlfriend had sex on cam lmao. but she refused to take off the sheets.


BST Moderator
Staff member
jamie, i dont recall giving you permission to put my picture up on SR ¬_¬


Silver Member


Stevenson and Sam are watching The Truman Show
I'm... being me
And Ben Thompson is high as a kite.