nah man, i just dont like jonny. and i prefer the good ol days, when there was very little people and when life was good. We had vegetable patches and even a few chickens, maybe some rabbits if you could afford them, and every week you could collect the eggs, harvest the milk from the cows and make a delicious sunday dinner, knowing that you could go to bed safe and without fear of having your house broken into. Now all you get are these noobs, breaking into your shed and stealing your gardening equipment, time after time I have had my strimmer stolen and perhaps even they would throw some rocks at my windows. This has to stop, just think about the possible repurcussions for our youngsters, i cannot let my boy joseph grow up into this world of violence and sex. Something has to be done, and i say we start with clearing our bowels.
whose with me?
whose with me?