Stacks at the beginning of edits


Steel Member
What are all your thoughts on edits where they have stacks at the beginning? Like where people film them stacking it and put it at the beginning of the edit.
Just wondering.


Steel Member
I prefer it to random stacks throughout, but there needs to be less than say 3 or 4 otherwise it just gets boring.


Bronze member
i think its pretty cool if the fall on like a big set or somthing and for their banger they do the set


Silver Member
If its something big or cool and then you go and post a land later on in the vid then i think its cool.

Joe Riley

The Gypsy
Staff member
It's stupid. The only time it should be done is if it's huge, or if they seriously get fucked up. That's the only time when it's worth putting falls in the beginning of a video.
hahah^^ seriously everyone thinks they know everything about everything on here, sit back and consider options before you form an opinion


Silver Member
It makes for a good intro. I would rather see some bails to pump me up before getting to the tricks.


Steel Member
After watching Benj Friant's edit, I have changed my opinion - every edit should have an intro that sick.
Depends on how hard they eat shit. if its a really gnarly trick or spot and the person eats hardcore shit then still stomps the trick after getting worked thats respectable. It also give the viewer an idea of how hard it is to do that particular trick and what the rider goes thru to get the talents they have. If everybody always landed all sports would be boring. But any overuse also gets boring.


Steel Member
it can be done if you can edit and do it the right way + if they are good falls.. this is more of a editing topic though heh. if youre not good at editing don't put them in =P

Scott Trainer

Super Moderator
Staff member
I dont see anything wrong with it. Its all opinion though. Maybe not all in the beginning, but I think almost every edit should have at least 1 or 2 clips of the person eatting shit. I think it shows commitment, and if you never have any stack clips, it almost seems like youre trying to make yourself look too perfect.
Everyone who goes hard eats shit. If you say other wise, youre either a lying piece of shit or never try anything new.


Silver Member
A stack midway through a video leaves me wondering if they actually landed that trick in the end. If it's the next clip.. Hype rides hard.