Ronny, you of all people should know by now, kotasports is a joke.
what gives a not famous person the right to hate on famous person? and he should have just ignored his style and not of posted the comment or this would have never happened..
Like Scott is saying, R-Dubya was responsible for posting the comment in the first place. I just think Dakota should of been mature and responsible. He should have just ignored it instead of being egotistical about it.
no. the thing with owning a business and being a pro rider is you shouldnt act like that, especially when it's just every day criticism you're responding to. and we know it could have been avoided but the way kota handled it is bad. i don't care how he acts in real life, he's a cunt.
You guys do know that wasn't Dakota who replied right........?
In Australia, barely anyone would know him. The only riders that Australian scooter kids know are the MADD gear team. I don't see how being a good rider/famous rider gives them the right to hate on anyone not as "famous" or as "good" them.
With "his" response, calling you an idiot was really dumb. Especially when your comment is greatly opinionated. You cannot be called an idiot for not liking his style/lack of style nor could you be called an idiot for saying that pasta is better than pizza.
"His" response was a really stupid way to react. He could have just ignored it.
Hope all you guys know that's not kota talking..
who was it? hahaha
Yeah that's why I wrote his with a "his".
Hope all you guys know that's not kota talking..
Hope all you guys know that's not kota talking..
and really guys, there is "criticism" and bullshit. and all of you guys give him bullshit and you cant deny it.
nope. that would make you an idiot in my booksYou cannot be called an idiot for not liking his style/lack of style nor could you be called an idiot for saying that pasta is better than pizza.
doesnt matter. someone affiliated with kota replied, someone who acts as a representative for his youtube. it still counts.
lets see, he calls himself the best rider in the world (or at least advertises himself that way) he ran a company and literally stole money from hundreds of people, he makes our sport look like its for 3 year olds, and ronnys post was criticism, not bullshit.
but even if ronnys post was bullshit , anyone cocky enough to say they're the best at something and steal from kids deserves it.
kota is the person who will set our little kid stereotype in stone. what are people going to think when they see the "number one scooter rider in the world" is a cocky little douche who looks 12 and ran a company that advertises scooters with names like these?