How is caring for the life of a new human being, not a clump of cells, a human being heartless again? I'm really confused.
it's a clump of cells grown in a test tube, not a human being. it's 150 cells, grown in A TEST TUBE. it is NOT in any way shape or form, a human being. stem cells NEVER had a chance at becoming human, just like the sperm you ejaculate when you jerk off NEVER had a chance at being a human. a seed and sperm cell are met in a test tube, and after 3 days it become this:
you have to be the biggest douchebag in the universe to say that that clump off lifeless cells is worth more than every man women and child on the planet suffering from life threatening, debilitating diseases, and a hypocrite to say it's wrong because it's killing a "potential life" (that would never have grown into a baby anyway) because as a male, you jerk off, and have sex, you kill millions of potential babies every time you do so, and for no other reason than pleasure. this is a life saving treatment, being against it is morally unacceptable. i know you think people need to respect others opinions, but your opinion sucks and it's making you look like an uneducated heartless dick. get it through your thick skull, stem cells NEVER had a chance to grow into a baby. 100% of stem cells come from either test tubes, adults (who obviously arent killed for them) embryonic fluid (extraction of stem cells from embryonic fluid doesnt hurt the fetus, in this case an actual women and baby are used but bother live happily ever after) cord blood (obviously doesnt hurt the baby or mother) or from genetically modified skin cells from adults. NONE OF THOSE ARE KILLING A BABY, OR HARMING A POTENTIAL LIFE.
if you don't even know the basics about a subject, don't talk about it, think about it, form an opinion about it, or even think about thinking about it. keep it out of your mouth, mind, and keyboard, and stay far away from it unless you want to make yourself look like an ignorant jerk who is opposed to life saving treatments.
edit: that picture is stupid, science is no longer a "man discovers cure for blah blah" type deal, it's now organized research done by many people at the same time. and what good is a genius if the mother is unable to support it and his messed up childhood turns him into a meth addict? if abortion were illegal, we wouldnt have cures for diseases, we would have more poor people.