street bars with backsweep


ive been searching everywhere and i cant seem to find any bars with backsweep meant for street. can you guys suggest some bars for me i ride mostly street and sometimes i ride my local park

William Juniper

Steel Member
ive been searching everywhere and i cant seem to find any bars with backsweep meant for street. can you guys suggest some bars for me i ride mostly street and sometimes i ride my local park



Steel Member
babahyabahahhahahahahhahahahahha? Is that real? It looks like a bat.

Apparently, the French ID VodkID and Steel Tree bars are meant for street.


i feel stupid now. what bars would you guys reccomend? everyone in my town has addict bars and i dont wanna be like everyone else.


Steel Member
If you a$k nicely you can get them with sweep. Just like how you can get a 22" Threshold with a footfender if you a$k nice enough.