Suggestions for SD5/Future Large Contests

qualifier day... if possible have qualifiers the day before the contest to get like a top 10 for am and pro divisions, giving riders a chance for full runs to prove themselves and as for the day of the main comp to move though for fast and efficient as well as showing the fans the best of the best

moving the pro runs to the middle of the day... one thing i noticed at sd4 is that by the time our pro runs came up most of us were starting to get tired and with the sun going down parts of the park became more difficult to use because of glare. their giving the beginners the best time of day to compete because the sun is directly over them.

no more jam format at large size comps... lots of riders i spoke to were unhappy because the judging at the contest seemed unfair because the park is so huge and the limited amount of judges to watch everyone in such a large area. or at least cut the jams down to a 5 person maximum

live music/food/entertainment... when you go to a contest like the xgames or dew tour, you see a lot of things designed for the fans to come out and have a good time for them to hang out all day at a long event. i know scootin isnt as big as those but action sports is all about entertainment and when someone comes to a scoot contest for their first time it would be good to make sure they have a great day and want to come back for more

so yeah discuss contest suggestions in here. if you got one, shout it out


music would be sick food fer sure i didnt get to go but from what i here the judging was bad they should have a judge for every section of the park to keep an i on the whole run or somthing like that


Well first I'm coming to SD5. Second, A bbq would be hood as fuck... Huuuge as grilll. like 1 buck a hot dog,2 bucks a burger shit like that.... Talk to a some 1 about having a Drink company sponsor the comp.. So a unlimited amount of drinks for anyone who needs. About the runs i like that idea of a qualifier thingy majig the day before. So the judging could be a little more accurate and you can actually see the good things people are throwing down.. and before the comp have a huge session. Were some people from different states could meet every one and have ample time to get use to the park. just some thoughts off my big ass head.
i didnt go to sd4 but i went to sd3 and i think the food suggestion is good cuz i had to leave the competition to get food and that sucked cuz i missed hella shit haha

Spicy McHaggis

Steel Member
have beginner runs the day before, strippers on top of the ramps, 2 kegs, t-whees sister needs to be there, i liked the jam format, the judges need to be in random parts of the park, food, and drinks and much much more
Food and water would have been perfect.
I really dident want an energy drink.
And the compition format failed.

Qualifier day thing sound's legit.
ummm sd5? wasnt sd4 like 2 weeks ago? we do have an entire year to expand and get used to new things and hopefully scooters will be big enough around the time of sd5 that we will have a drink sponcer and food.....this all sounds legit i like it but i wouldnt worry like we got hella time b4 sd5


Super Moderator
Staff member
yeah qualifier day for sure.
after my 10 minute jam thing i was so tired i was hoping i didnt have to do a run.
yeah benJ couldnt even do his best trick cause it got dark.
A legit thread a few months before. Hardly any non-cali people knew the date, and information about the comp. Thats for any comp. Especially comps this big, a bit of notice and information would be great for out of towners.
start really earlier have the giant sesh in the morning AM after and pros durring the best time,maybe how does that sounds cause i loved the jam at cootercon 8 but i thought they should of started earlier

Hep Greg

have beginner runs the day before, strippers on top of the ramps, 2 kegs, t-whees sister needs to be there, i liked the jam format, the judges need to be in random parts of the park, food, and drinks and much much more

all of this minus the jam format. tylers sister is a must have tho. :p


A vert section in all comps or at certin comps . like were`s the best place to host a vert/halfpipe section ? were u just shred it just like u would shred the park rider gets a certin time to show what they got . this would be good for everybody who likes vert/halfpipe . i think the parks that should hold this is t.i.c cause they have a nice (halfpipe) xtream wheels and sd5 cause i herd they have a beautifull 12 or 13 footer (vertramp)

iam just thinkin out loud tho . what do u guys think about the idea ?