SZ 3-piece bars. Very good condition. fairly new.


i have sr buffs so pretty much the same but sum1 bbuy theses they are great bars and hes legitttttttttt ;]:]:]:]:]:]:]:]
littleman said:
Joe Riley said:
littleman shut up. gtfo, he can get wees. the difference is like $30, who cares? these are in amazing condition.
hey joe shutup, my computer glitched not even my fault and those bars arent even good they come loose and shit i snapped mine

offers or GTFO
littleman said:
Joe Riley said:
littleman shut up. gtfo, he can get wees. the difference is like $30, who cares? these are in amazing condition.
hey joe shutup, my computer glitched not even my fault and those bars arent even good they come loose and shit i snapped mine

littleman- why do you just get on everyones thread and piss them off. just leave everyones thread alone. no one here thinks its funny. get off my thread