Terry Price said:
Matt Pate said:
Tommy Napolitan said:
What i just saw blew my mind. I didn't think half of the shit you did was even possible. I just can't stop watching this video.
scooter fakie nose manny
720 bar
flip heelclicker the whole box
barrell roll whip
flip manny whip out
double flip
WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I give you MAJOR props
Best Park Rider of 07: Terry Price
Best Trick of 07: Terry Price - Double Flip
Best Overrall Rider of 07 - Terry Price
im going to comment this whenever i watch it
if i remember what trick he did...
it was a scooter fakie manual not nose(cuz the wheels in the back and the balance is the same as a manual u just have to stiff ur legs out to the deck doesnt sway off...scooter fakie nose is hard shit, i thought my scooter fakie manual would be suprising to people in my next video, now im gonna combo it haha
EDIT: watched the video for the second time..that wall ride whip was massive. and the scooter your riding in some of it hass bigger wheels? how much bigger and how much does the scooter weigh cuzz? is it the terry price pro
it leans the same as a regular manual, but is a nose manual because im rolling on my nose technically.. but a scooterfakie manual is much harder.
Thanks man and yea the wheels were probably 120 micro bullets, im using them in the nose manual hip run to feeble nosepick. my scooter is pretty heavy, its a modified terry pro because it has some monster bullet parts, rad bars, odi's etc. i don't know exactly how much it weighs but the weight only really affects flatland riding, but i can still triple flat on it
Thanks for all the comments guys, keep them coming!!
yea i guess it is a nose manny but when i first learned that trick ijust called it a scooter fakie manual.
and how does it lean the same as a manual?
when u manual u dont have anything at all swaying around side to side but a set of forks that u keep stable.
when u manual in scooter fakie u have to(or atleast i do) like stiffin and straighten the foot thats on the deck out so the deck doesnt fall over to the left or right side, really annoying trick i bust my ass a lot cuz itll out of no where fall to one side and my ankles twisted up in it.
hell yea that run was sooooo sick, thats one of my fave. parts...its a nose pick and not a nose balanace i guess? isnt a nose pick involve a peg or something? that shit is hard to hop from feebs to nose and balance like that and hop back in.
i must say that video is sick as fuck...that one hand plant owns most of those tricks in that video id say. and that one barrel roll that goes with the music good, that shits dope