the biblical side to the possible wormwood/nibiru encounter, -(may or may not happen)

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I got myself banned.
now liltony has nothing to take out his period pains on, as i have said its possible, not 100%, and it may or may not happen. this thread is for people to check out a 6 set of youtube videos, yes liltony youtube videos, explaining the significant relation of comet elenin, or Nibiru, (or Wormwood in the book of revalations) to the bible. and explains some phrophecies that have been fulfilled leading up to possible events, etc. anyone who is interested , take some time to watch this valuable set of videos, otherwise, kindly stay out of this thread and leave all opposing comments out, this is not a discussion about if it happens or not or how dillusional i am etc etc, this is for the people that are interested in what may or may not happen.

part 1 -

part 2 -

part 3 -

part 4 -

part 5 -

part 6 -


Steel Member
This is worse than the angry drunk black man yelling at me to stop eating hamburgers and to convert to judaism in a metro station lol


I got myself banned.
yo friends, i asked to keep the hate out, this is for the people who might want to know the symbolic section to this life time

humpurple kushiones

Steel Member
no, fuck your topic. ive tried to give you a chance to show me CREDIBLE sites that back up your claims and you pussy footed around it, you're strait up on here to preach doom to any little kid that will listen, leave.


I got myself banned.
to show YOU? who cares about you? this is my thread not yours? i asked you not to come in here, i made everything good so you wouldnt whinge and whine, but you keep asking for my attention, why? you interested in whatg i have to say liltony? or you just feel like you gain respect everytime you attempt to lower ones self esteem? in the scooter resource world, you may have some respect when you dont deserve it, in the real world, your pretty low dude :/

humpurple kushiones

Steel Member
i have respect in the real world, you know why? because i don't go around trying to spread unwarranted fear into the minds of impressionable kids like you do. even the local churches have respect for me, and im an atheist. you're annoyingly stupid.

are you willing to accept that you're wrong about all of this?


Steel Member
aw fuck off another argument brewing, cant you keep your closed mind out of this

Arguments brew because of this retarded fucking topic. YOU are the one instigating arguments by insulting people as soon as they disagree with you. Seriously, what the fuck don't you get about this? This may be your thread, but it isn't your website, and nobody wants to see this shit on this site. Basically, fuck off. I have no clue how you aren't locked in a padded cell somewhere with the way you ramble on about this shit even after you've had your arguments picked apart multiple times.

Scott Trainer

Super Moderator
Staff member
This is getting really old. Im on the brink of banning BOTH of you.

Adam: All of these threads keep getting locked, yet you make more and keep the shit going.

Anthony: You do bring up great points for debate, and they are supported by fact, but it seems like you always wanna have the last word. Youre keeping this going just as bad as Adam. If you hate these subjects and what people have to say, just leave it alone after a while.

It isnt even a debate or discussion any more, its turned into something personal between you two now. Thats just retarded.
The forums are cluttered with all this shit and its getting really fucking annoying.

Problem with my statement or locking this? Pm me, dont make another thread.
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