The Canadian Thread

Travis House

Wu-Tang Master
Staff member
Then come! Pfft, your a ferry ride and 30min drive away...

Plus the drive to North Sydney, whats what? 2 and a half hours?

Big L

Steel Member
saaame, i am so bored i am makin my gt for next season, travis dont you gt? becoause i thought i saw one of your posts on a gt fourm


yea haha im on that forum as well. I have all the parts minus a gt, and I'm too lazy to get one from my friend and cut up my bike, etc. right now so I'm gonna wait till next winter..
When will you be able to ride when your here? as soon as you get here? or after some sight seeing?
Stoked.... except i have no bars to ride


I'm gonna ride as soon as I check into my hotel and get some stuff ready & whatnot, so around 2:00 on the 16th.
We should all go all the people in newfoundland...well St.john's.....likesunday or so...Because I think there's the DC comp thing at should all go ride somewhere.I'm up for it.


michaelwillcott said:
We should all go all the people in newfoundland...well St.john's.....likesunday or so...Because I think there's the DC comp thing at should all go ride somewhere.I'm up for it.
does that mean that the parks gonna be full of stick flippers on sunday? awwwwwwwww, totally weak..
But yea, get everyone you can to come riding on the 16th and 18th, and I guess 17th can be a street day lol..

Jeff S said:
What hotel are you staying at?
I don't know exactly which one, but it's less than a 10 minute drive from the park..


Lloyd Bureau said:
hey Dre, are you close to Kitchener Ontario? Im goin there in 2 weeks.
nah, I'm about an hour and a half away. You could stop by in toronto on the way though haha

Travis House

Wu-Tang Master
Staff member
Woo, only a few more days!!

What are you talking about Barry? DC Comp? Really!?

If there is and its blocked we can ride street I guess