The Canadian Thread

Big L

Steel Member
we got none becouse we just had a masssiive amount of rain, and it is goin to be 11 degree on wednsday :)
man canada owns the states so hard.. i could make a list of things forever why it kicks ass. here a small one
Tim horton
trailer park boys
Ketch up chips
no as meny gangerster black doods that will shoot u and stuff
but tehres a lot of hindosso taht sux but stilll canada is teh best i will move tehre someday


RAD Cary said:
man canada owns the states so hard.. i could make a list of things forever why it kicks ass. here a small one
Tim horton
trailer park boys
Ketch up chips
no as meny gangerster black doods that will shoot u and stuff
but tehres a lot of hindosso taht sux but stilll canada is teh best i will move tehre someday
You don't have ketchup chips in the states. hahaha that sucks.

Def move to Canada sometime man and go to vancouver because they have th best fukin parks there and everything there is just completely dank

RAD Cary said:
im half. so how aboot thm beavers eh? oh and i think bonner is half to or something idk.
half beaver or half Canadian?

Travis House

Wu-Tang Master
Staff member
Duh, look at him.

Snow is melting kinda... Still can't see the skatepark yet though...

Get the shovels boys, we goin' diggin'


Travis House said:
Duh, look at him.

Snow is melting kinda... Still can't see the skatepark yet though...

Get the shovels boys, we goin' diggin'
haha, the snow is almost all gone here. Few more weeks and I can start riding parks again instead of in my gay ass kitchen...

Matt Dibble

Staff member
Im not canadian but the park im talking about is real close to canada haha. All of the grass and stuff around here is like green and whatnot, yo ucan see it all, minus snowbanks that were really big. But for some reason like a few days ago (i think on saturday) me and reeves went to DK to see how the park looked snow wise, nad it was completely full! like the max height of the stuff there is 5 feet, and some of the obstacles (like 3 foot ones) were like even with the snow line, it looked MAD weird when the snow just ended at the fence haha because it was a nice day and the grass is green again :) lol.

sorry for posting sooo long even though im not canadian.

can i have a -get-out-of-posting-in-the-canadian-thread-free-pass? lol
next time i go to vancover im stocking up on ketchup chips... unless any one wants to ship some to me? haha there my favorite chips man but i hear you guys dont have Onion Chips.


I'll trade you a crateload of em for a pair of rads or something hahaha

And don't get them from that ebay thing lol, they're definately not worth $3.50 per bag, they're a buck a bag usually over here..