My name is Kieran and I am 16 years old and I participate in the rising sport of scooters. It has been brought to my attention that the local skate park does not currently allow scooters due to a number of reasons.
Now there are some reasons that can be fully understandable why a Skate Park would disallow entry to scooters, for example the "Young Factor" of push scooters, and how the amount of younger riders may agitate the rest of the skate park community. However this could easily be resolved by either leaving the park closed to people below a certain age, or have some sort of session rota. I think that by disallowing scooters because of this, the responsible, more mature part of the scooter community are missing out.
Another justification that was brought up was the fact that the metal design of the scooters damage the surface of the ramps. Now this is understandable in a few cases but for the majority of the park, the ramps are "Extreme" and designed for heavy impact. Otherwise they would be useless. There is also a similar impact and force caused by the landings/crashes of skateboards. The metal trucks, when put in unusual positions, will scrape the surface of the ramp. Bike's would cause even worse damage to the ramps during crashes due to the sheer size and weight of them.
Also tearing away at my mind is the issue of collisions within the skate park. Scooters have to be one of the most HARMLESS things when it comes to a collision because it is very easy to jump off the scooter whilst maintaining balance. However a skateboarder has nothing to hold onto hands wise, and would therefore have to struggle to maintain balance whilst falling off during a collision. Skates would also be worse than a scooter because there is little way of stopping in a collision without falling badly. Therefore I do not think that this will be an issue.
Finally, wouldn't it just be a good idea business wise? Think about the extra money you could make from riders considering how rapidly the sport is growing. It would send your popularity through the roof! Perhaps take heed of what this skate park did:
http://www.revolutionskatepark.co.uk. They took the chance and moved with the flow of extreme sport and decided to let scooters into their park. They are now regular hosts of UK scooter competitions and are one of the most popular places to go! Now I know that this is the UK not here but it is still the same principle. You could make a killing out of it!
Now on behalf of the Santa Claraca scooter community and I, I thanks you for taking the time to read this and I hope all options are fully considered before making a decision.
Many thanks, Kieran Mayhew.