The Hookup Thread


Bret Lentine said:
there needs to be a "hot girls who you could have been with but didn't because your retarded" thread.
i would own it.
aka the "I stalked their myspace/facebook to find pics of them to post" thread
Word. And word to the wise, you should never hook up with an older sister, and then date the younger sister. When the info gets to the younger sister about the older sister, things are never good. : (

Matt Ogle

ive been cool with hoook ups. Ive been talking to a girl named maddie lately, and possibly see if something is there so im going to cool down hook ups kinda. Maybe over thanksgiving break though. All you other people, keep posting <3


ohhh man, my friend's sister was going out with a guy at my school who was 2-3 years older than her for starters, and then to make matters worse, they got caught having sex AT SCHOOL, in a classroom, and parents were called, etc, etc. and every time the sister or that guy is brought up around my friend you can so tell he is just repressing flipping out so bad haha

Spicy McHaggis

Steel Member
heres mine

and the pic to prove to you that its happening constantly

Be jealous haha
well i have math then gym at my school and me and my girlffriend got into a fight

soz i didnt notice i pressed enter till i made the post below:S
well i have math then gym at my school and me and my girlffriend pam got into a fight, then i hooked up with google pic one.


then me and pam got back together and i hooked up wit her in gym. google pic 2


two hot girls in 50 mins
two hot girls i hooked up with in 50 mins

Spicy McHaggis

Steel Member
putting a picture on your hand does not count as hooking up. i guess that it all makes sense now! CJ is a cronic masterbater!!! dude you need therapy!


Matt Ogle said:
seankane said:
to any of you that have younger sisters, how would you react if one of your friends hooked up with her?

id flip a bitch

explain your logic, i'm curious. i'm always flirting with my roommate's sister and he flips shit whenever it happens. i just don't the logic though, wouldn't you rather your sister hook up with someone you trust rather than some random kid?