The Iced Tea Thread.


Steel Member
What I would like to know is who the hell looked at a tea leaf and thought "I want to put that in boiling water and drink it."


Staff member
AHAHAHAH. I wonder what plants they attempted to make tea out of before finding the good ones.


Steel Member
at my local comp they werre giving out some new "duBe Tea" made from hemp, it was like a bottle of water and when you twist the cap the tea pours was pretty cool


Steel Member
Guys just FYI, If you email them and ask for stickers they WILL hook you up, I've done it about 4 times

All in all they send you HUGE Arizona stickers and like 5 sheets of different ones. Idk if anyone even wants them but I love them. I think I have something like 72 stickers from them for FREE.

they're email is --


Steel Member
Brisk and Arizona and Bojangles and Chik-Fil-A and stuff are good, but nothing, and I mean NOTHING can be my sweet tea recipe.

2 Gallons Water
1 Cup white sugar,
1 Cup brown sugar
1 Tablespoon honey
5 Quart sized tea-bags

Boil the water, add sugars and honey and dissolve. Take water down to simmer, add tea bags, stir and let sit for 20 minutes, or until very dark. Take off heat, let sit for a while until cool. Add to gallon jugs, fill up any space left with ice. Delicious. Black as night and sweet as love. Like rocket fuel, has more caffiene than a Monster or Rockstar.
Well, at least Morgan already posted our FUCKING TOP SECRET recipe.
Still though. Guys. Seriously, if you like sweet tea, but the McDonald's stuff is like sugar water.

Ours is so bitter it will burn your eyebrows off but the brown sugar and honey and to a lesser extent regular sugar just perfect it.

And here is my rant on sweet tea. That shit needs to be so dark and opaque that if held up to the light you can barely maybe see through it. That black. Then it needs to be sweet. And I don't just mean sweet like bubblegum or something. I mean sweet as in so much sugar its better than sex.
And it has to be drank out of a mason jar. Or it isn't legit.