how to you save a choking baby?
-take your dick out of its mouth.
how to you make a baby cry twice?
-wipe your bloody dick on his teddy bear.
whats the difference between a dead baby and my girlfriend?
-i dont kiss my girlfriend after sex.
whats the most disgusting thing ever?
-10 babies in a trash can
whats worse than that?
-the bottom ones still alive.
whats worse than that?
-he eats his way out.
whats worse than that?
-he comes back for more.
whats the difference between a baby and a trampoline?
-i take my shoes off before i jump on the trampoline.
how do you stop a baby from going in circles?
-nail his other hand to the floor.
Whats the difference between an ethiopean and a pair of jeans?
-a pair of jeans has only one fly on it
Whats the worst part of being black and jewish?
-you have to get in the back of the oven.
Why did hitler shoot himself?
-because he saw the gas bill.
How do you know an asian was in your house?
-your homeworks done, your computer is upgraded, your dogs gone, and 2 hours later hes still trying to back out of the driveway.
i forgot, these are good ones hahaha.