the "my school is as corrupt as the L.A.P.D." thread

i got my phone taken away till the end of the year for talking about texting in class
i got suspended for 12 days for kissing my girlfriend in the hall after school
i got suspended for 2 days for walking on the left side of the hall
i got suspended for 6 days for holding the lunchroom doors closed so nobody could get out haha


when i was a soph in highschool, a new really nerotic and anxious teacher had no control of the class. so instead of talking with eveyrone else, i just slept every time i had that class. i woke up one day to him accusing me of TALKING and disrupting the class. everyone was already screaming and detention was my wake up call lol

Bear Grylls

My friend today got out of school suspension for taking chocolate pudding off the teachers desk, giving it to my other friend, my friend put it on a kids chair and he sat down and it exploded all over the place!!! lol it was hilarious. both got out of school suspension


Keepin' Peace
Staff member
I have a full lunch time detention monday because me and my mate refused to sit down on the dirty basketball court.

Josh Young

Super Moderator
Staff member
hahaha omg theres some funny shit in here. best thing is to make my metals teacher pissed. he is supppper cool and nice but he flips out when we dont help him or fuck up somebodys project. he throws shit and makes funny faces. and hes a big ass guy too. actually hes the NFL player jake long's brother. haha
So there's a store in my school, called the eagle's landing or something, pretty lame haha. They have stuff like gum, candy, clothing with our school logo on it, pretty straight forward. Either way, its tucked away on the bottom floor, basically a large closet, no windows, no nothing. Now, about a week before this incident, I had purchased "liquid ass", cause I heard about it from some video and how it basically was the strongest, worst smelling liquid anybody could purchase haha. Here it is:

So naturally, I wanted to try it out, and the school store got stink bombed all the time, so I figured it wouldn't be a bad idea to try it out there. I sprayed only TWO light sprays, and the smell was horrific and was now sealed in the tightly packed school store. It sent everybody FLYING out of the store, including the volunteers working there, and TONS of the candy on the counter got stolen when everybody was running out, like boxes and boxes of it. All my friends and more came in with me to smell it, but I was hoping nobody would rat on me. Either way, about 15 minutes later after lunch, they called me down to the office, and I pretty much knew I was fucked. They brought me into the "interrogation" type room, and there was a cop standing there as well (whenever some body gets suspended at my high school, they have a cop walk them out, idk why). So right off the bat, I thought I was pretty screwed. So the vice prinicipal sits me down, gave me the whole speech about how somebody ratted on me, etc. etc. So I was like, yea it was me who did it and ended up fessing up, only to realize that they had no idea it was me and I just confessed to doing it...needless to say, it fucking sucked. I was suspended for 3 days, and the school store remained closed for 2 weeks following the sprays haha, it smelled THAT bad. I learned my lessons, 1. Don't do stupid stuff in school, and 2. Never confess to anything haha.


Bronze member
to conordavidson, you NEVER confess to anything if you know you done it, NEVER especially when under pressure. you fucked up!!!


Steel Member
hahaha i got banned off the computer network for talking to a friend on the email they have which is designed to let people talk haha, i hate my german teacher so much and my dads a governer at the schoool so i got him to get her fired muwhahahahaahh im being currupt but wgaf