The Night Owl Thread.


Steel Member
Also 3:20 am, downloading dubstep. Pretty much all I do at night is listen to music until it gets light out.


Steel Member
Why do people take any chance they get to shamelessly plug how much/often they smoke weed? Seriously, there's a thread for that, and when you post that shit everywhere it just makes you seem like you're trying way too hard to be cool.


Steel Member
Watching a bunch of episodes of True Life on MTV. First was a bunch of idiot moms obsessed with their looks and acting like fucking 15 year old girls. The one was shallow as fuck and only wanted her daughter to do beauty pageants regardless of the fact that it made her miserable. The other had like super size boobs that were 100% fake and just obnoxiously large, and couldn't see that it made her look like a fucking idiot, not "hot".

Second was about the Occupy Wall Street movement. I didn't realize until watching it that the majority of people there were just misguided kids that wanted to protest just for the sake of it, and had no clue what they were protesting for. Like god damn it, you're fucking 20, you have no part in the alleged hardships that these people are actually protesting for. You aren't "part of the 99%", you live with your parents. Get the fuck out. Worst part was, as soon as the cops threatened to arrest them, they all left. Bunch of pussies. Yeah, you're really making an impact when a single cop can disband 200 of you. Really shows how determined you are to see your cause through.

True Life makes me angry. People are morons.

Ben Moak

Steel Member
Watching a bunch of episodes of True Life on MTV. First was a bunch of idiot moms obsessed with their looks and acting like fucking 15 year old girls. The one was shallow as fuck and only wanted her daughter to do beauty pageants regardless of the fact that it made her miserable. The other had like super size boobs that were 100% fake and just obnoxiously large, and couldn't see that it made her look like a fucking idiot, not "hot".

Second was about the Occupy Wall Street movement. I didn't realize until watching it that the majority of people there were just misguided kids that wanted to protest just for the sake of it, and had no clue what they were protesting for. Like god damn it, you're fucking 20, you have no part in the alleged hardships that these people are actually protesting for. You aren't "part of the 99%", you live with your parents. Get the fuck out. Worst part was, as soon as the cops threatened to arrest them, they all left. Bunch of pussies. Yeah, you're really making an impact when a single cop can disband 200 of you. Really shows how determined you are to see your cause through.

True Life makes me angry. People are morons.


Steel Member
3:30 am, just beat the whole mw2 campaign on regular in 3 hours 23 minutes

Fuck me for going back to vider' games but whateva... It's fun I guess


Steel Member
So? Did I ever say I didn't take my dear sweet time killing the airport and oil rig folks? ;)

I love the slow-mo when you breach... Alot