his dad supposedly 'controlled' him and what he did scootering wise and supposedly was behind kotasports the whole time and ripped everyone off while kota just wanted to have a good time in the scootering world
Hunter Betchle's double bowlegged turndown.
The Yu-Gi-Oh Scooter cards. JDBen I know you'll remember that thread.
It disappoints me when I come in here and see kids posting stuff that isn't old. 2011-now is NOT old. Old SR would be anything on the BLUE layout. If you weren't around for it then you shouldn't be in this thread.
Hunter Betchle's double bowlegged turndown.
The Yu-Gi-Oh Scooter cards. JDBen I know you'll remember that thread.
It disappoints me when I come in here and see kids posting stuff that isn't old. 2011-now is NOT old. Old SR would be anything on the BLUE layout. If you weren't around for it then you shouldn't be in this thread.
are c4 bars still availableI miss drooling on this page <\3
hunter betchle's double bowlegged turndown.
The yu-gi-oh scooter cards. Jdben i know you'll remember that thread.
Fuck that shit. They made my Pro Model way too heavy.DSA decksavers.