The "This or That" thread!

Scott Freibaum

Steel Member
They may slide a bit longer but wont last nearly as long. I have like 2 year old chromos that work great. If you are just looking for nice sliding pegs, try out Magrey plegs. They last around the same time as alu's but slide way faster and smoother.
i want a lighter deck, with boxed sides, so these are the options, tell me which one and for what reason. i weigh 160 lbs also. but anyways.

aos v2, v2i, orion, frid, or reventon.
don't care about the cost difference, just quality.
i want a lighter deck, with boxed sides, so these are the options, tell me which one and for what reason. i weigh 160 lbs also. but anyways.

aos v2, v2i, orion, frid, or reventon.
don't care about the cost difference, just quality.

Orion or Reventon if you want lower price v2i


Steel Member
Preference, HTA, and the look on that.

If you want a light deck The narrows it down to V2I, Aos V2, and Frid.

French Id's are ugly and short.

So either an AOS V2 or A V2I, That's up too you.
i'm riding a 4.5 vertx right now, so all of these will seem hella light. i think i'll banana a v2i since i mostly ride staircases and street stuff.

sooo reventon or orion?