More people filming trips.
Better filming. SD, 4:3, all that. For the record, you don't need a VX.. TRVs, GSs, DVCs, GLs, etc.. Bad filming is the number one thing that ruins a good video, hands down.
Less dubstep. It's cool if you're blasting subs or something but not in a video.
More pegs in street. Personally, I think hitting rails with pegs is sick.
More crews and stuff. Groups of people who ride and film together.
More park riding like
this and
this.(except the song)
More older riders setting good examples for younger riders. They need people to look up to. Older riders are those people.
More manuals, nose manuals, and front sliders.
Less hate between riders. You're all here for the same thing, the least you could do is respect each other.
More apparel companies.
Scooter companies actually putting time into their websites. Bigcartel doesn't make you look legit, and neither does an all black website with obnoxious colored fonts and stuff. Representation is a big part of companies that I feel is often overlooked.
More riders doing their own thing.. Less conformity. Less three-trick combos in airs, instead do them over huge transfers.