Things Worthy of Posting But Not a Thread

edit: i would get a new page
Shelby Grimnes said:
new avatar and i got grade 8 bolts :D

brian amato


... i'm becoming overwhelmed with all the illusions in the avatars =(

maybe someone else is also mentally challenged like me?
Shelby Grimnes said:
Yeah, she quit for lacrosse I think.
Anyone who has rode with me or hung out with me knows i'm a girl
haha, i have no idea why someone would quit scootering for lacrosse.

edit: Jordan, this is a wierd question. But, how old are you?

Matt Dibble

Staff member
god damnit fuck fuck fuck my life.

so last month, right before i was about to book my SD tickets, i had to get my car inspected and i got new tires/oil change/other shit along with that. ended up costing me 460 dollars.

last week, my camera bag (with many contents) got stolen... totaling over like 500 in losses.

today, my car was in the shop again seeing what triggered my brake light. turns out i needed all new brakes. out another 340...


i already work EVERY fucking day, and i'm trying to move into a new place for the 2nd time since august...


check this out...

i no jesse mac doesnt really look like josh but look how simiar sam looks!!!( its sam short and jesse maculoso btw) lol

brian amato

kids that spend hundreds of dollars on their scoots, but can't tailwhip, are annoying.
unless you're really involved in the sport or contribute to it.
i dont understand what's wrong with modding stock promods/reinforcing stuff.