things you HATE


Gold Member
when people use my brake

holy fuck fucking fuck fuck shit dicks

if you know me kinda well, you will know i am extremely conscious about my brake being used on my wheels, but i also hate riding brakeless lol


Gold Member
not wanting to change your setup/ride a different one because you have a trick kinda really well on it and you dont want to lose it/forget how to do it

rain. just, rain. where i live its been heavy raining for about 1 week straight plus a bit more, and its said to rain for about 1 or 2 more weeks. ffs.

not having an indoor park or anything in your area (for me, the whole of hong kong), and the only possible thing to an indoor park is a really meh street park underneath a highway, which is a fair bit away and sometimes gets wet

when you get random sharp pains in your body aah


Staff member
^^ on the real feel that shit. Never fun when your roomates/parents are either stressed by their jobs or aren't making enough money, or both.